Monday, 9 October 2017

ICCACK - International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping

Are you a “Left Behind Parent” who has been victimized by Family Court Corruption?

The term “Family Court” is designed to portray itself as a judicial institution that looks out for the “best interest of a child” - the overwhelming reality for many is the discovery that the name of the court—like the industry and players that stem from it (judges, divorce lawyers, mediators, custody evaluators, and Title IV-D beneficiaries) is often a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

By the time a “left behind parent” looks around and identifies the non-adhered to court procedures, administrative rule non-compliance and abundant violations of many rules of professional conduct and understands the true nature of the apparatus at play it is often too late because those institutions and people tasked to help you have shown their true colours — and they have little to do with the symbolism of “the best interest of the child”.

Family Courts display true clashes that pit the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law in a manner that tears parents’ lives apart, harms children and financially ruins so many people while sustaining a thriving, corrupt and lucrative criminal enterprise.

The institutional corruption - especially in cases of parental child kidnapping - is a more mechanical environment that many players operate within and manipulate. Elected family court officials who hold the power of reforming the many laws and practices in state legislatures across the country should recognize the large numbers of the voting public where such ordeals of divorce and custody impact large constituencies that are not only sizable but bipartisan, whereas reforms to these systems are number one issues to them.While many of the elected officials receive letters, phone calls, e-mails and in-person appeals from parents caught, and tormented, in these ordeals little actions or improvement come to fruition and instead many often get directed elsewhere in a never ending wild goose chase.

The International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping ( has worked with probably 50parental child kidnapping cases across the world. Our experience shows that there is no responsibility and no accountability in the corrupted family court system. Scores of cases of exhausted families and troubled children. It has been beyond to turn back on these suffering, crying, and sometimes beaten down individuals. The system cannot be trusted. It does not serve the people. It obliterates families, most often protects the child kidnapping parent and financially destroys the “left behind parent” simply because it has the power to do so.

As “left behind parents” stand up for their constitutional and human rights in increasing numbers and engage the family court system they often find many of their worst nightmares confirmed as to how crooked things are while absorbing the enormous stress and emotional scarring and trauma that can only come when your beliefs and faith in the law and judiciary system are ruthlessly and utterly shattered.

When some of the physical symptoms of a parental child kidnapping victim first appear, many people have the fear of thinking they are having a heart attack, blood sugar imbalance, severe allergic reaction until it is eventually diagnosed as issues relating to anxiety and often described with many of the same symptoms as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) albeit in these ordeals it can be termed as Legal Abuse Syndrome.

The institution,which is the Family Court judges and parties culpable for causing so many psychological, mental and emotional damages are the same ones claiming to be for the “child’s best interest” the ones that often force the wrongfully retained child to live as an illegal immigrant instead of returning the child to its legal domicile and thus destroy many “left behind parents” ability to provide for their child’s well-being and their own.

The evidence of liability as to the damage and role played by these courts and their accompanying players upon the many mothers, fathers and children can be seen in the lives they devastate as the “left behind parents” are stripped of their rights without due process, property, savings, monthly incomes and ability to provide for their children, families and themselves and in the worst cases denied their freedoms via incarceration in modern-day debtors’ prisons.One only has to review the data of the many cases in these courts in cross-referencing and analysing the simultaneous home foreclosures, bankruptcy filings, suicides and violence to understand the sources and direct correlations to these courts.

The International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping works on your behalf and reviews the procedural standards in each of the states in order to facilitate the introduction of evidence to clarify these cases, to speed up processing of actions against the corrupt judges and make norms for such offences and order a reassignment and declare void all previous unconstitutional judgements and reunite you with your children.

About the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping:
Protecting & Enforcing the Human Rights of the Child

The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping intervenes, and recovers your child from any country in the world, when nobody hears you, when nobody helps you, and when everybody lets you down!
The specific purpose of the court is based on the following principles as well as International Conventions, Laws and Treaties:
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is an organization pursuing its authority based on principles long established by international conventions, laws, and treaties.
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping accepts universal jurisdiction based on international laws to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of (parental) child kidnapping, crimes against humanity, human rights violations, and the enforced disappearance of children by government officials.

The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping was established to complement existing international judicial systems. Therefore, it may only exercise its jurisdiction when certain conditions are met, such as when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals or when the United Nations Security Council or individual states refer investigations to the court.

Every year 10 million children are kidnapped around the world, and most governments are unable or unwilling to solve this serious global problem that affects everyone. When parents and their offspring have been mistreated by corrupt Government Officials, it’s time to restore your human rights. We fight for you and your loved ones with International laws, treaties and combined legal strategies. We will open your eyes on how you and your children can fight back. We only act in your child’s best interest, and make this always our top priority to restore their human rights, reunite you with your children by enforcing International Laws and Treaties to hold all "bad actors" accountable! We exist to stop crimes against humanity.

Click here to see that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has been signed and ratified by 196 Nations - EXCEPT USA!
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is the court of last resort for prosecution pf the crime of (parental) child kidnapping, enforced disappearance of children by government officials, human rights violations, and crimes against humanity. Any party seeking help from the court shall have exhausted all domestic remedies available to them. The court may be able to advise parties if domestic remedies are still open, such as international tort claims; however, the court will not accept jurisdiction in any case if domestic remedies are still open to parties in order to avoid international confusion of jurisdiction. The court is therefore the ultimate jurisdiction of last resort. Its founding principles are established in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Rome Statute, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and entered into force on the day of its establishment.​
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping actively seeks justice, enforces criminal laws concerning (parental) child kidnapping, and protects the rights of the child by putting international justice on the map.  The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping has made itself responsible for international criminal accountability and has worldwide reach to bring those who commit crimes against children to justice.
LEFT BEHIND PARENTS: If you and your children have been mistreated by corrupt Government Officials, its time to enforce and restore your human rights. Our Tort Claim Remedies combined with other legal strategies as well as the enforcement of International Treaties and Conventions are powerful legal tools how you and your children can fight back. We only act in your child’s best interest, and make this always our highest priority to restore their human rights, reunite you with your children by enforcing International Laws and Treaties to hold all "bad actors" accountable under International Tort law!
If your Human rights or the rights of your children have been violated, and you would like to file a Tort Claim for monetary damages, please talk to us to enforce your and your children's human rights and hold the perpetrators accountable!


Place du Champ de Mars 5, Bastion Tower, Level 21
Brussels 1050, Belgium
Tel. No: +32 2 588 2898 

The victims of child & Human rights violation, if not getting timely and suitable justice in the court of law in their countries, can appeal to the INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AGAINST CHILD KIDNAPPING.