Friday, 30 November 2018

Child Safety

It seems quite reasonable to have children removed from dangerous circumstances, which have been attributed to parental mental illness. Numerous studies have revealed that such an environment can correlate to child abuse and neglect. It hinges on the premise that a parent who isn’t mentally stable enough to look after himself or herself, may exhibit outrageous and harmful tendencies that could impact negatively on their child.
 And while in a lot of cases this may certainly be the case, in other instances, children are being taken away from secure homes based on an unfair rationale that goes under the banner of “parental mental illness”.
 Angelo Clement spoke candidly to the Guardian about his horrific experience of being the latter.
“I was removed from a safe environment at home with my mom where I wasn’t abused or neglected to a situation where I was very much unsafe,” said Clement.
It all began one night when Clement was 14-years-old and received a phone call from a teacher whilst he was home alone. Following this, the teacher made a report to the authorities, which claimed that Clement was being neglected by his mother.

The days and weeks that followed descended into hell for Clement and his mother. When the investigation was finally concluded, no evidence was found to indicate that any abuse had occurred. The case was, however, taken to court where it was argued that his mother, who had a past history of bipolar disorder, was not mentally fit to have Clement in her custody.

Within a short space of time, Clement's entire world unravelled before his eyes; he was snatched from his happy home, and placed into a foster care system that caused a lot of psychological and emotional trauma. As soon as he turned 18-years-old, Clement signed himself out of the foster care system.

A watchdog report revealed that the Administration of Children’s Services had misused and breached policies in family courts, and wrongfully removed children from their families in many similar cases such as Clement’s.

The harrowing reality is that some states view parental mental illness such as anxiety or depression, as a reason to take a child away. As a result, more and more parents avoid seeking out the mental health services that they may need, due to their worry that it may spell a visit from social services.

I knew a girl who, after giving birth to her first child, battled through postnatal depression. As a young and single mother, there was no doubt that she felt an insurmountable amount of pressure to be the best mother that she could be.

When I asked her why she did not want to seek out help for her postnatal depression or ask for further assistance in any area that she was struggling in, she said simply:

“I can’t risk social services thinking that I might even have a day where I feel sad or overwhelmed. They have the authority to turn up at my house and take my baby away–and it would mean that I would love everything.”

It may appear ludicrous that women in her position are unable to get the support that they need from a government whom they have paid taxes to–taxes which should be redistributed back to them in such times. Yet, her concerns were not completely unfounded.

Healthy Place states that custody loss rates for parental mental illness range as high as 70-80 per cent, and a higher proportion of parents with serious mental illnesses lose custody of their children than parents without mental illness. 

Monday, 22 October 2018

Is The Government About To Address Child Abduction In India?

In recent times, stories that underline the need for improved rights for children in India have rippled across the media, with voices around the globe calling for stronger reforms. Yet, in an unprecedented move, it would appear that India might be open to working with the United States to tackle parental child abduction.

The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is a multilateral treaty developed by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH) that provides an expeditious method to return a child internationally abducted by a parent from one country to another.

India is currently not one of the signatories of the treaty, which makes it an untouched and unspoiled haven for parental kidnapping.

The Economic reported that in a meeting with Indian officials, Suzanne Lawrence, Special Advisor Children's Issues Bureau of Consular Affairs at the Department of State, highlighted the need for the country to join The Hague convention. She said:

"India is beginning to work with us to find practical solutions for children who are being abducted between our two countries.

"In February of this year, I travelled to India to encourage government officials there to resolve the numerous abduction cases they have, and for India to join the Convention.

“While in the US it is called abduction, most of such cases are a result of marital dispute wherein one of the parents stays with the child in India and quite often gets a court order in their favor.”

Since there are no laws against parental child abduction in India, it is not regarded as a criminal offense. The only solution for “left behind” parents is to proceed with legal action–which, in the Indian judicial system, could take years to resolve. And amidst court hearings, it is also likely that there can be an order placed which restricts the “left behind” parent from having contact with their child until the court issues a ruling.

According to recent figures, in 2016 there were as many as 83 cases of alleged parental child abduction of American children.
statement from the State Department outlined India’s failings:
"Parental child abduction is not a crime in India. Parents may wish to consult with an attorney in the United States and in the country to which the child has been removed or retained to learn more about how filing criminal charges may impact a custody case in the foreign court.”

"The competent authorities in India persistently failed to work with the Department of State to resolve abduction cases. As a result of this failure, 66 per cent of requests for the return of abducted children have remained unresolved for more than 12 months. India has been cited as non-compliant since 2014.”

For over a decade, the Indian government has been working towards signing The Hague convention, yet there have been no further developments as it would require amendments and changes to Indian laws.

As there are no bilateral agreements between the US and India regarding parental child abduction in India, there is an undisputed prerequisite for such a policy to be implemented.

International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping
Schenkkade 50

The Hague - 2595 AR
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 - 70-800-2093
Fax: +31 - 70-808-0254

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Dark Secrets: How Foster Agencies Profit From Taking Children Away From Their Parents

Like a bluster that leaves a cold chill down the spine, more and more parents are waking up to the harrowing truth about how foster agencies profit from removing their children. Times have flourished into a contagion where states vigilantly pursue children–not necessarily for the benefits of the child, but for the benefits of the child's financial merits.

Voltaire said it best when he said: “Every abuse ought to be reformed, unless the reform is more dangerous than the abuse itself.”

There are no words that resonate more truthfully when aligned with the copious amounts of children who are being unlawfully torn away from their law-abiding parents in loving homes.

Child abuse has become a lucrative money-making business, seeing foster agencies profit from the bounty that glintsabove each child’s head. 
Laws that were initially designed to safeguard children, now endanger the very rights of the children they were meant to protect.  

The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)  is a federal law from 1988 that was introduced to address child abuse and neglect in the United States. Its initial purpose was to have one federal law to oversee the prevention and response to such cases.

CAPTA directs the way The U.S. Health and Human Services’ Administration for Children & Families issues funding for child abuse prevention schemes in each state.Yet, despite all these laws and billions of dollars spent annually, child abuse continues to be on the rise.  

In a disturbing twist, more children are being taken away from their homes–often times, erroneously and with little consequence to those making these“judicial mistakes”.

Spurred by financial incentives, foster agencies profit by as much as $8,000 or even more, for every child placed in adoption. Furthermore, the figure increases significantly if the child is put on medications after being removed by means of “medical kidnapping”.

Brian Shilhavy, the Editor of Health Impact News, said in an article on MedicalKidnap:

“If you live in the United States of America today, and you have children in your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping. Something as simple as bringing your child to the local emergency room to care for an injury or sickness puts you at risk for being accused of medically abusing or neglecting your child, and having a doctor direct a social worker to remove the child or children from your custody by force.
Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking away children from their parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then ending up being charged with “medical abuse” and losing your children.
The parents lose their children immediately, often without any warrant being issued by a judge. They are assumed guilty by social services of something worthy of losing their children, usually with no formal charges filed in a court of law, and no trial by a jury of peers as is afforded by the Constitution of the United States of America. They must spend significant resources to try and get their children back from a family court system that is cloaked in secrecy with little to no accountability. Sometimes the parents are able to get their children back, but sometimes they do not, and the children are adopted out. Even in the instances where the children are allowed to return home to their parents, they are severely traumatized.
International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping
Schenkkade 50
The Hague - 2595 AR
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 - 70-800-2093
Fax: +31 - 70-808-0254

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Child Kidnapping


The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping exists to fight for the human rights of victimized parents & their wrongfully retained children to stop crimes against humanity. This includes legal actions against your spouse, as well as legal actions against taxpayer funded human trafficking of wrongfully retained children, harboring of illegal immigrants & Governmental child kidnapping with clear violations of international laws and treaties for the protection of the child!

When "left behind" parents and their offspring have been mistreated by corrupt Government officials, it’s time to restore your human rights! We only act in your child’s best interest, and make this always our top priority to restore their human rights, reunite you with your children by enforcing International Laws and Treaties to hold all "bad actors" accountable!

Schenkkade 50
The Hague - 2595 AR
The Netherlands

​Tel. No:    +31-70-800-2093 (Reception)
Tel. No:    +31-70-808-0230 (Clerk of Court)
Fax No:    +31-70-808-0254

Parental Child Kidnapping

The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping exists to fight for the human rights of victimized parents & their wrongfully retained children to stop crimes against humanity. This includes legal actions against your spouse, as well as legal actions against taxpayer funded human trafficking of wrongfully retained children, harboring of illegal immigrants & Governmental child kidnapping with clear violations of international laws and treaties for the protection of the child!

When "left behind" parents and their offspring have been mistreated by corrupt Government officials, it’s time to restore your human rights! We only act in your child’s best interest, and make this always our top priority to restore their human rights, reunite you with your children by enforcing International Laws and Treaties to hold all "bad actors" accountable!


International child abduction occurs when a parent, relative or acquaintance of a child leaves the country with the child or children in violation of a custody decree or visitation order. Another related situation is retention, where children are taken on an alleged vacation to a foreign country and are not returned.

​Whenever one of the parents, takes a child out of the jurisdiction without authorization of the court that granted the sole or joint custody, or violates any international terms or treaties of a valid court order, that is considered as International Parental Child Kidnapping/Abduction.


​Abductors may be other family members or their agents. Although in most cases the abductor is a child’s parent. This crime may include incidents in which children are detained or enticed away from the custodial parent. Criminal custodial interference can also be defined to include interference with a court order of, time- sharing visitation or access.

​Every year, more than 200,000 cases of international parental child kidnapping are reported in the United States alone. It is common for the removal of a child to occur during a heated or emotional marital dispute, in the early stages of separation or divorce, or in the waiting period for a court custody order or agreement.

​Way too many cases of international Parental Child Kidnappings INTO USA have been reported from countries all over the world, including Australia, France, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Spain and the United Kingdom. It makes us wonder… What is wrong with the corrupted judicial Family Court System in the “Land of the Free”?

​Why doesn’t the USA comply normally with the rules and policies established by The Hague Convention? Instead, the USA is violating the human rights of these abducted children, who are mostly brought as illegal aliens, keeping them wrongfully retained in the country. Obviously, this is a strict violation of US Federal Immigration laws as well as a violation of international laws and treaties, such as the United Nations Convention for the Protection of the Child and the UN Human Rights Convention.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Dark Secrets: Children Are Being Deliberately Drugged into Foster Care

Here is a fact that may be unbeknownst to you–all across America, on a daily basis, thousands of children are being drugged in foster care. Not only is it legal, but it is also hugely profitable to the big wigs.

This unsettling trend has emerged from deep below the gutters–children who are on Medicaid and being fostered, are being prescribed strong psychiatric drugs at doses higher than the maximum amount that is approved by the FDA.

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) revealed the overuse and abuse of such drugs in foster care in an incriminatory report

It was discovered that children were being drugged in foster care with psychotropic drugs at rates of up to nearly five times higher than non-foster children. And in comparison with children who were not in the care system, the chances were much higher for foster children to be given five or more psychiatric drugs at the same time. Furthermore, foster children were nine times more likely to be given drugs that had no FDA-recommended dose for their age, and those under the age of one were twice as likely to be prescribed a psychiatric drug.
Sen. Thomas Carper, lead requestor of the GAO report, said of its findings:

"I was almost despondent to believe that the kids under the age of one, babies under the age of one were receiving this kind of medication."

What is darker still, is the impetus for this perturbing practice–in an unethical system, children who are being drugged in foster care are little more than potential customers.

Follow the trail of dollar bills, and in no time will it be discovered that those in care receive government insurance from Medicare, which not surprisingly, includes mental health services. Add to that equation the fact that Medicaid spends almost $6 billion each year on psychiatric medicine, and clarity begins to set in. The GAO reported that $200 million was spent in Texas alone.

It is a known fact that medicine of this type causes damage to a child’s developing brain. Not only are these drugs helping to keep the children in a more sedated state, thus, making them far easier to control, but they can also lead to long-term mental issues such as depression, anxiety, hostility, aggression, and mania.

Speaking to ABC news, one such child, 11-year-old Ke'onte from Texas, spoke about his experiences over the past few years. He was prescribed an array of potent, mind-alternative psychotropic drugs, for which he is now in therapy. His new family has had to wean him off the drugs and Ke'onte’s doctor has said that he does not have ADHD, nor is he bipolar.

"I was put on bipolar meds. I am not bipolar at all," Ke'onte told ABC News' Diane Sawyer. "I was on a whole lot of medicines that I should have not been on."  

Nor is the problem as simple as people who are unwilling to speak up. Parents or anyone who challenge the administration of these prescription drugs can face the real threat of having the child taken away from their care. This growing epidemic, known as medical kidnapping, happens when parents in the US have their children removed due to this questionable medical bureaucracy.

For more information on how children are being drugged in foster care, watch ICCACK’s video on the same topic here


The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping exists to fight for the human rights of victimized parents & their wrongfully retained children to stop crimes against humanity. 

This includes legal actions against your spouse, as well as legal actions against taxpayer funded human trafficking of wrongfully retained children, harboring of illegal immigrants & Governmental child kidnapping with clear violations of international laws and treaties for the protection of the child!

When "left behind" parents and their offspring have been mistreated by corrupt Government officials, it’s time to restore your human rights! We only act in your child’s best interest, and make this always our top priority to restore their human rights, reunite you with your children by enforcing International Laws and Treaties to hold all "bad actors" accountable!

The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping enforces the Human Rights of wrongfully retained children across the world!

International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping
Schenkkade 50, The Hague - 2595 AR, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 - 70-800-2093

Monday, 23 July 2018

Dark Secrets: Children Are Being Deliberately Drugged into Foster Care

By J.S. von Dacre
Investigative Journalist of the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping

Here is a fact that may be unbeknownst to you–all across America, on a daily basis, thousands of children are being drugged in foster care. Not only is it legal, but it is also hugely profitable to the big wigs.

This unsettling trend has emerged from deep below the gutters–children who are on Medicaid and being fostered, are being prescribed strong psychiatric drugs at doses higher than the maximum amount that is approved by the FDA.

The Government Accounting Office (GAO) revealed the overuse and abuse of such drugs in foster care in an incriminatory report

It was discovered that children were being drugged in foster care with psychotropic drugs at rates of up to nearly five times higher than non-foster children. And in comparison with children who were not in the care system, the chances were much higher for foster children to be given five or more psychiatric drugs at the same time. Furthermore, foster children were nine times more likely to be given drugs that had no FDA-recommended dose for their age, and those under the age of one were twice as likely to be prescribed a psychiatric drug.
Sen. Thomas Carper, lead requestor of the GAO report, said of its findings:

"I was almost despondent to believe that the kids under the age of one, babies under the age of one were receiving this kind of medication."

What is darker still, is the impetus for this perturbing practice–in an unethical system, children who are being drugged in foster care are little more than potential customers.

Follow the trail of dollar bills, and in no time will it be discovered that those in care receive government insurance from Medicare, which not surprisingly, includes mental health services. Add to that equation the fact that Medicaid spends almost $6 billion each year on psychiatric medicine, and clarity begins to set in. The GAO reported that $200 million was spent in Texas alone.

It is a known fact that medicine of this type causes damage to a child’s developing brain. Not only are these drugs helping to keep the children in a more sedated state, thus, making them far easier to control, but they can also lead to long-term mental issues such as depression, anxiety, hostility, aggression, and mania.

Speaking to ABC news, one such child, 11-year-old Ke'onte from Texas, spoke about his experiences over the past few years. He was prescribed an array of potent, mind-alternative psychotropic drugs, for which he is now in therapy. His new family has had to wean him off the drugs and Ke'onte’s doctor has said that he does not have ADHD, nor is he bipolar.

"I was put on bipolar meds. I am not bipolar at all," Ke'onte told ABC News' Diane Sawyer. "I was on a whole lot of medicines that I should have not been on."  

Nor is the problem as simple as people who are unwilling to speak up. Parents or anyone who challenge the administration of these prescription drugs can face the real threat of having the child taken away from their care. This growing epidemic, known as medical kidnapping, happens when parents in the US have their children removed due to this questionable medical bureaucracy.

For more information on how children are being drugged in foster care, watch ICCACK’s video on the same topic here

Monday, 2 July 2018

International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping Is Working Untiringly To Protect The Rights Of The Child Globally

Brussels, Belgium (15th June 2017)–The International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping (ICCACK) is the apex court of law at the international level, dealing with the cases, related to the child kidnapping, the enforced disappearance of children as well as the violation of the Rights of the Child. This court is housed in the city of Brussels in Belgium.

Though the judicial systems in all countries try to ensure reasonable justice to its citizens, research suggests, each year, millions of victims of violation of UN conventions for the Protection of the Child and the UN Human Rights Convention are deprived from getting suitable justice. In some instances, these courts even refuse to take up the cases for a hearing and in those instances, it appears that no hopes are alive for the victims. Just in those moments, they can approach ICCACK that upholds the safeguards the provisions of the various international UN treaties, conventions, and agreements made between different nations at different times.

This court takes up the cases from the security council of the United Nations or from the direct appeals from the victims from around the world. The best part about appealing at this Court is that it ensures timely justice, and unless the applicant in winning the case, they will not require paying any amount of money to the court. Thus, even the flocks with a tight budget, can think of approaching this court to get fair justice in a timely manner.

“Our verdict on cases of violation of human and child rights are held final in more than 194 countries across the globe. The objective of our court is to safeguard  human and child rights, in accordance with the international laws and treaties. Our mission is to put an end to the instances of child right and human rights violations”, stated the spokesperson of the International Criminal Court Against Child Kidnapping.

About the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping:
Protecting & Enforcing the Human Rights of the Child

The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is an international court of law that deals with the legal cases, related to violation of childrens human rights and parental child kidnapping cases.
The specific purpose of the court is based on the following principles as well as International Conventions, Laws and Treaties:
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is an organization pursuing its authority based on principles long established by international conventions, laws, and treaties.
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping accepts universal jurisdiction based on international laws to prosecute individuals for the international crimes of (parental) child kidnapping, crimes against humanity, human rights violations, and the enforced disappearance of children by government officials.

The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping was established to complement existing international judicial systems. Therefore, it may only exercise its jurisdiction when certain conditions are met, such as when national courts are unwilling or unable to prosecute criminals or when the United Nations Security Council or individual states refer investigations to the court.

Every year 10 million children are kidnapped around the world, and most governments are unable or unwilling to solve this global problem. The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is principled upon the provisions established in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Rome Statute, the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and the Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration of Human Rights has been signed and ratified by more than 193 nations of the world.
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping is the court of last resort for prosecution pf the crime of (parental) child kidnapping, enforced disappearance of children by government officials, human rights violations, and crimes against humanity. Any party seeking help from the court shall have exhausted all domestic remedies available to them. The court may be able to advise parties if domestic remedies are still open, such as international tort claims; however, the court will not accept jurisdiction in any case if domestic remedies are still open to parties in order to avoid international confusion of jurisdiction. The court is therefore the ultimate jurisdiction of last resort. Its founding principles are established in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Rome Statute, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and entered into force on the day of its establishment.
The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping actively seeks justice, enforces criminal laws concerning (parental) child kidnapping, and protects the rights of the child by putting international justice on the map.  The International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping has made itself responsible for international criminal accountability and has worldwide reach to bring those who commit crimes against children to justice.

To learn more, visit

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Child Rape In India On The Rise

By J.S. von Dacre
Investigative Journalist of the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping

The face of eight-year-old Asifa Bano is plastered on newspapers all across the world. An umbrella of lashes frames her big, dark eyes as she stares back at the viewer, in a haunting gaze that demands to know how her life could be so tragically and heinously cut short.
No words could encapsulate the sheer terror, agony, and despair this little girl must have felt in the last moments of her life. Any hope she had for a loved one to rescue her, was snuffed out–swiftly and callously, like a candle blown out in the coldest of winds. 
Asifa was kidnapped and held in a temple for many days where she was gang-raped, tortured and finally, killed. She was then strangled before a rock was used to bludgeon her head. It is alleged that one of the police officers involved in the crime, pleaded to be able to rape her one more time before she died.
Sanji Ram, a 60-year-old retired government official, believed to be the leader of the gang, his son, Vishal, his nephew, his friend, and a minor, have been accused of Asifa’s rape and murder.
Also implicated are police officers Surender Verma, Anand Dutta, Tilak Raj and Mr. Khajuria, who all allegedly helped to plan the schoolgirl's abduction from the Kashmiri meadows where she was tending to her horses on that fateful day that she was taken.
It is believed that the motivation for the ruthless act was to force the Gujjars, a nomadic Muslim community of shepherds to which Asifa belonged, out of Jammu. The divide between the two religious sides–Hindus and Muslims, has long been fuelled by a bitter feud.
Mohammed Yousuf Pujwala, Asifa’s adoptive father said, "She played with all the children…She didn't know the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu. She was only 8 years old.
"Now every moment I feel her absence. Everything reminds me of her–her clothes, her place at the table, the horses.”
When Asifa disappeared on 10 January, her family knew something was wrong when her horses returned without her. They immediately launched a search for her through the long night with lanterns, flashlights, and axes. When they came up empty-handed, they filed a complaint with the police. Yet, according to her parents, the officers were unhelpful, with one even suggesting that the eight-year-old had eloped with a boy.
Speaking to the BBC, Asifa’s mother, Naseema, described the moment she saw her daughter’s crumpled body, "She had been tortured. Her legs were broken…Her nails had turned black and there were blue and red marks on her arm and fingers."
Hundreds of thousands of protesters have spilled raucously on streets all across India to demand justice.
Yet, these protests continue to be a recurring theme while rapes in India keep increasing. The number of registered rape cases in Mumbai alone rose by 40 per cent in 2017 when compared to 2016. Out of that figure, almost 60 per cent were minor girls.
In the past week, the body of an unidentified eleven-year-old girl was discovered on the side of a road in Surat. She was tortured, raped and murdered; her body was marked with over 80 injuries, some of which covered her genitals.
Miles away in Kotwali Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, a seven-year-old girl’s body was found. While her parents were distracted with preparations for a wedding, the child was kidnapped, raped, murdered and then discarded on a dusty roadside–far away from her family and a justice system that continues to fail others like her.

Monday, 30 April 2018

Child Rape In India On The Rise

Child Rape In India On The Rise

By J.S. von Dacre

Investigative Journalist of the International Criminal Court against Child Kidnapping 
The face of eight-year-old Asifa Bano is plastered on newspapers all across the world. An umbrella of lashes frames her big, dark eyes as she stares back at the viewer, in a haunting gaze that demands to know how her life could be so tragically and heinously cut short.
No words could encapsulate the sheer terror, agony, and despair this little girl must have felt in the last moments of her life. Any hope she had for a loved one to rescue her, was snuffed out–swiftly and callously, like a candle blown out in the coldest of winds. 
Asifa was kidnapped and held in a temple for many days where she was gang-raped, tortured and finally, killed. She was then strangled before a rock was used to bludgeon her head. It is alleged that one of the police officers involved in the crime, pleaded to be able to rape her one more time before she died.
Sanji Ram, a 60-year-old retired government official, believed to be the leader of the gang, his son, Vishal, his nephew, his friend, and a minor, have been accused of Asifa’s rape and murder.
Also implicated are police officers SurenderVerma, AnandDutta, Tilak Raj and Mr. Khajuria, who all allegedly helped to plan the schoolgirl's abduction from the Kashmiri meadows where she was tending to her horses on that fateful day that she was taken.
It is believed that the motivation for the ruthless act was to force the Gujjars, a nomadic Muslim community of shepherds to which Asifa belonged, out of Jammu. The divide between the two religious sides–Hindus and Muslims, has long been fuelled by a bitter feud.
Mohammed YousufPujwala, Asifa’s adoptive father said, "She played with all the children…She didn't know the difference between a Muslim and a Hindu. She was only 8 years old.
"Now every moment I feel her absence. Everything reminds me of her–her clothes, her place at the table, the horses.”
When Asifa disappeared on 10 January, her family knew something was wrong when her horses returned without her. They immediately launched a search for her through the long night with lanterns, flashlights, and axes. When they came up empty-handed, they filed a complaint with the police. Yet, according to her parents, the officers were unhelpful, with one even suggesting that the eight-year-old had eloped with a boy.

Speaking to the BBC, Asifa’s mother, Naseema, described the moment she saw her daughter’s crumpled body, "She had been tortured. Her legs were broken…Her nails had turned black and there were blue and red marks on her arm and fingers."
Hundreds of thousands of protesters have spilled raucously on streets all across India to demand justice.
Yet, these protests continue to be a recurring theme while rapes in India keep increasing. The number of registered rape cases in Mumbai alone rose by 40 per cent in 2017 when compared to 2016. Out of that figure, almost 60 per cent were minor girls.
In the past week, the body of an unidentified eleven-year-old girl was discovered on the side of a road in Surat. She was tortured, raped and murdered; her body was marked with over 80 injuries, some of which covered her genitals.
Miles away in Kotwali Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, a seven-year-old girl’s body was found. While her parents were distracted with preparations for a wedding, the child was kidnapped, raped, murdered and then discarded on a dusty roadside–far away from her family and a justice system that continues to fail others like her.
Schenkkade 50

The Hague - 2595 AR
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 - 70-800-2093
Fax: +31 - 70-808-0254